The Board believes that change requires support and input of those concerned, and is working hard to put the consultative and collaborative processes in place that achieve this outcome both within the organization and the community. The Board values its professional and support staff and believes that both groups make a significant contribution to the well being and education of learners. The Board also values, and will work to enhance, its partnerships with students, parents, agencies, and service providers. It is through effective partnerships that we will be able to prepare our students for the future, to deal with diversity and change, to build mutually supportive relationships, and to enhance a quality educational system that focuses on lifelong learning and opportunities for all.

Our Purpose
To build a collaborative community of learning, including strong academics, overall well-being, and a connection to the land, in order to provide our students with the knowledge and skills they require to navigate an ever-changing future.
Our Values
Responsibility, Collaboration, Compassion, Creative Thinking, Resiliency
Provincial Mission
The purpose of the British Columbia school system is to enable learners to develop their individual potential and to acquire the knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed to contribute to a healthy, democratic, and pluralistic society and a prosperous and sustainable economy.
Direction of Education
The overall direction of education in British Columbia is determined by the Ministry of Education. Education in the Arrow Lakes School District is founded on the Mission of Education and the Goals of Education as established for the province.